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How to Make Your Own Shampoo

In an era where sustainability and personal wellness are paramount, more people are turning towards homemade, eco-friendly alternatives for daily use products. Among these, homemade shampoo and conditioner bars stand out as a practical, environmentally… Read More »How to Make Your Own Shampoo

Carpet clean at home

How to Clean Carpet at Home

Contents1 Introduction2 Understanding Your Carpet2.1 Types of Carpets and Their Care2.1.1 Wool Carpets2.1.2 Synthetic Fiber Carpets2.1.3 Blended Carpets2.2 Identifying Common Carpet Issues2.2.1 Stains2.2.2 Dust Accumulation2.2.3 Wear and Tear2.2.4 Odor2.3 Additional Maintenance Tips3 Regular Maintenance: The… Read More »How to Clean Carpet at Home

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